
Showing posts from October, 2015

Long haul travel tips

Hi guys so since I have just come back from my holiday I thought I would share some long haul travel tips with you!  Sleeping on a plane can be difficult so make sure you pack enough things to keep you entertained through the flight. Tip one: make sure you pack warm comfy socks! I packed my bed socks because they are so cosey. My feet often get cold whilst flying so these made sure my feet stayed extra warm! Tip two: pack a puzzle book, reading book and a pen (or two). I always being these with me. Even if I don't do a puzzle I always know it's there just in case. Tip three: wear extremely comfy clothes. You don't want to wear super uncomfortable clothes the whole way!! Tip four: if you are transitting in a note country or if you are going to a hot country, take shorts! We stopped in Singapore so brought shorts. If we didn't we would have melted it was crazy humid!!! Tip five: try to pack light. You don't want to carry around a huge weight. And finally tip six: brin...

Making a jelly brain

Hi guys. Me and tony went into a supermarket called Asda the other day. When looking through he Halloween section we came across a brain mold so we decided to make a jelly brain!!  We used two packets of jelly cubes, the mold and fresh strawberries.  Firstly we add in one packets of jelly and 265ml of boiling water. We then decided to add the other packet of jelly so added in another 265ml of boiling hot water We then stored the jelly cubes till they had gone to nothing. We then poured the jelly into the mould and put it in the fridge to begin to set. After 4 hours when the jelly had half set we cut up the strawberries into quarters We then pushed each bit of strawberry into the jelly. Make sure you don't push it all the way to bottom as this will alter the shape of the brain.  It should look something similar to this when the strawberries are in. Not all have to be used. This is very messy but fun!!  We let the jelly set over night and through most of the day. We on...