Concert time!! Bangerz :D

On the 14th May 2014 me and my boyfriend (Tony) went to see Miley cyrus' Bangerz tour! I have been a fan of Miley for years. I love her style, voice and her confidence to do what ever she wants and, she doesn't care what people think. I wish I was more like that but I'm to shy:(

I was so excited to see her for the second time. I also went to see her in 2008 I think it was. It was such a fun night apart from some people in the audience. I guess you get people who think they are better then everyone else...
Besides that i had an amazing time!
All the balloons fell down from all around so everyone was hitting them everywhere. The bad thing about being small is that I didn't get the chance to hit one propperly :( small girl problems.

The opening to the Bangerz tour was so good! Miley sliding down a slide which was meant to be her tongue whilst sing SMS (bangerz)

Tony wore my shirt as I was to warm :') looks good on him though

Me deciding to do mileys famous pose 👅

Get it right was one of my favorite songs. It is so catchy and is forever stuck in my head!!

At the very end she sang 'party in the USA' ironically wearing a Union Jack leatard. Yes I do know that she wore it because she was in England :')

Pre concert selfie as one must always take a pre concert selfie with your gorgeous :)

Have any of your seen Miley?? What is your favorite all time song??
Mine is either, when I look at you or FU


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