Date and Costa yumm

Today I went to oldham town centre with my boyfriend. We had a subway and my favourite,  Costa!! Caramel hot chocolate :P it is soo delicious i never buy anything different:') it was a little hot that is why we used a straw...

On Saturday we went to a place called the Whitegate beefeaters restraunt for a romantic date. We never go out on many dates anymore as he works and I am busy with college work. So we decided on a date and time and we had the perfect time. 
Tony had battered fish and chips (yuck)

I decided to have a steak burger as I wanted to try something a bit different. I usually go for the ribs. This was surprisingly yummier then i thought!! Mmmmmm

I think it's impossible to have a nice photo of Tony. He is always pulling faces or trying to do his weird but gorgeous pose:')


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