Date Night And Cupcakes

Hi guys! 

For Christmas I made a jar for my boyfriend filled with all different types of dates. Last week he picked out the cinema date. So Yesterday we decided to cash in that date and go to the movies. We went to see Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice. I wasn't looking forward to it really as I'm not a huge fan of Batman or Superman. Anyway it kind of surprised me. The frost half kind of bored me and then the second half had me totally gripped. Especially when Wonder Woman came into it. We decided to see it in IMAX however, it wasn't in 3D it was in 2D. I much prefer IMAX over ordinary screens as it is huge!! Before the movies we decided to go back into Sugar Junction however, i didn't take any photos as i only wrote a blog about it a couple of weeks ago.

The following day (today) we decided to make some tasty vanilla cupcakes topped with cream cheese icing.  We know cream cheese is meant to go with red velvet but it is one of the nicest icings so we decided to be rebellious. I am 19 years old and still lick the cake mix out of the bowl. I don't think you are ever to old for that. Tony doesn't agree with that as he still thinks you can get Salmonella but, I take the risk. 
The recipe we used to make the cupcake we found via the BBC Food website. The ingredients are:

  • 110g Softened Butter (or margarine)
  • 110g Caster Sugar
  • 2 Lightly Beaten Eggs
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 110g Self Raising Flour
  • 1-2 tbsp Milk
We first creamed together the butter and caster sugar until it was light in colour. We then beat in the two eggs along with vanilla extract. After that we decided to sieve the flour to make the mixture smoother in texture. We folded in the self raising flour and then folded in the 2 tbsp of milk. The milk step isn't really necessary but we still used it. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this random blog. I will be back on wednesday with yet another blog!!


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