Dale-Con | Meeting FLASH GORDON

Hi guys!!

This weekend has been insanely busy for me. I worked at a comic convention in Rochdale known as Dale-Con. My job was to do face painting on children (and some adults). I wouldn't of thought that face painting could be so knackering  We had to be at the convention for 6am. This was to help everybody set up and get my stall prepared. We didn't end up leaving until around 6pm however, it was worth it. Throughout the weekend I painted so many faces. The down side to doing it is that you end up with a super sore back and neck from all the bending down. Most people who attended the event were very nice but, some people were extremely awkward. I had a book of face painting designs ready so that the children could chose which ever they liked. Most children and parent had no problem with this however, their was one parent who demanded her child be painted as a tiger. She wouldn't take no for an answer. Luckily their was a photo of a tiger on the box so i could easily do it.
Besides that awkward person...The convention very good. A fair few well known actors/actresses attended such as, Sam J Jones who some of you may know as FLASH GORDON! He is such a nice guy and likes to have a laugh. There were many other celebrities and SFX makeup artists there to. 
A lot of people who attended the convention wore costume (cos players) some were payed to be there and dress up whilst others were just guests. The photo above of dead pool was a payed cos player. There were so many people dressed in all sorts of costumes. One little boy was dressed as young Luke Skywalker and there was a family dressed up as the incredibles which was adorable!!!

This is a very quick blog but, I will post another one tomorrow as I should be back on track!!


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