Hi guys!

As many of you will already know Autumn (Fall) is my favourite season. So I have been watching a few autumnal videos and came across Simply_Kenna's Autumn tag. I decided to jot down the questions as well as add my own. So for todays blog post I am going to answer a few of the questions for you.

Question 1 - Do you ignore the leaves on the ground or step on them?
Answer 1 - I am one of those people who will always go out of my way to jump on the leaves. It doesn't matter if they are across the road, if they look extra crunchy, I will cross the road just to step on them!

Question 2 - Rake the leaves or leaf them buy?
Answer 2 - Firstly I am loving the leaf pun!! we don't have leaves in our garden but I think, I would maybe rake some and leave some one the ground.

Question 3 - How close to the fire place can you sit before you get to warm?
Answer 3 - I love the sitting next to the fire place whilst drinking a hot chocolate or warm Ribena. When it gets really cold, I lie down on the carpet and put my feet on top of the fire. I can sit like that for hours!! (we have a protective cover over the fire place so it is safe).

Question 4 - Hot chocolate from scratch or from a packet?
Answer 4 - Defiantly the Cadburys hot chocolate from the huge tub made with milk (I hate a hot chocolate made from water)

Question 5 - Favourite Pumpkin flavoured food?
Answer 5 - I haven't really eaten a lot of pumpkin flavoured food however, I did try pumpkin soup last year and it was divine. I am also making a Pumpkin pie soon. Keep your eyes peeled for the blog post ;)

Question 6 - Do you enjoy the season because of the cooler temperatures or because of the fashion?
Answer 6 - I personally like both!

Question 7 - Do you and your family buy autumn scented candles?
Answer 7 - If we manage to find some then yes. I have already bought dozens of candles for christmas time...

Question 8 - Are you active or laid back during this time of the year?
Answer 8 - I would consider myself to be a bit of both. I love to go on long walks looking for pretty leaves but I also enjoy to snuggle up in bed with a good book.

Question 9 - How much do you bake during this time of year?
Answer 9 - I love to bake anyway but, once we get to this point in the year I usually bake more often as it's an excuse to use cinnamon and ginger!

Question 10 - Do you blow into the air to see your breath?
Answer 10 - Of course...Doesn't everybody?

Question 11 - Whats your opinion on warm fuzzy boots?
Answer 11 - They keep my feet warm so....

Question 12 - Do you prefer the cold rain or dense fog?
Answer 12 - I like going out on a cold day and seeing fog but I get easily bored of the fog so, I'd say I much prefer the cold rain but, only if I am inside infront of the fire place all toasty warm.

Question 13 - Do you like the sound of the bird mirgraiting?
Answer 13 - I love the sound of any birds. It's a relaxing sound.

Question 14 - Do you wear fluffy socks?
Answer14 - Well, my feet are like little ice blocks so. Yes. If I didn't, I think my toes would fall off. They get un-normally cold.

Question 15 - Do you read more during the Autumn or Summer?
Answer 15 - I generally read more during the autumn. It's much cosier.

Question 16 - How good are you at pumpkin carving?
Answer 16 - It depends on what I am carving. I can carve a basic Jack'O' lantern face but, If you want me to carve Doby then...I think you can tell what it would look like.

Question 17 - Store bought pumpkins or pumpkins from a patch?
Answer 17 - I have never picked my own pumpkin. We have always got ours from our local supermarket.

Question 18 - Apple Pie or Pumpkin Pie?
Answer 18 - Defiantly apple pie although, I've never tried pumpkin pie. When I bake one i'll let you know which I think is best.

Question 19 - Smell of Pumpkin guts or Autumn leaves?
Answer 19 - Defiantly Autumn Leaves! Pumpkin guts smells like sick warmed up a little bit.

Question 20 - Hocus Pocus or Halloween Town?
Answer 20 - With out a doubt Hocus Pocus! That film was my childhood.

Question  21 - October or November?
Answer 21 - I love October due to it being the beginning of autumn and Halloween however, I love November because it's bonfire night, We have family birthdays and also, more and more decorations appear, and I can get super excited about Christmas!

Question 22 - Black Cats or Owls
Answer 22 - Both. I couldn't choose a favourite. I love all animals.

Question 23 - Favourite spooky movie?
Answer 23 - This is a hard one but I do really like Mamma and The Conjuring.

Question 24 - Fire place or Candle light?
Answer 24 - I love having the fire on as well as candles burning. It makes the house extra cosy.

Question 25 - Halloween or Christmas?
Answer 25 - Know this is the ultimate question. They are both amazing for different reasons but I think all in all I will always prefer christmas as it is so magical and the atmosphere is always amazing.

I hope you enjoyed reading my blogpost and got to know a little bit more about me and my Autumn likes/dislikes! 
Don't forget to follow my google plus page and subscribe to my youtube channel!

I hope you have a cosy Autumn.



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