Hi guys!

Blogging is something I absolutely love doing however, I have been putting off for a long time. I lost my passion for it as my main focus has been creating youtube videos. Blogging and YouTube are huge passions of mine as the both allow me to speak my mind and create amazing content you all seem to enjoy reading/watching.

On April the 14th the most amazing thing happened and I feel as though this story is a fantastic way to start my blog off again so, here goes...

April 14th 2017

This was the day that had been planned for a fairly long time, Daniel and I (Daniel being my partner if you couldn't tell already) hoped on a plane from Manchester airport to Belfast which if you wasn't sure is in Northern Ireland. Whilst in the airport I felt very guilty as I couldn’t talk to him due to being highly anxious at the fact O had to jump on board a priperllar plane. I thought we would be flying on a normal plane but he failed to inform me that we would be traveling the journey on a tiny pripeller plane (thank you Daniel ;))
Any way, Once on board the plan it started its taxing down the run way, I clung on to Daniels arm and buried my head into his shoulder (I’m a huge wuss when it comes to flying, I will always think of the worst scenario) We took off and once in the air, i seemed to settle down slightly and accept my fate :’) it sounds dramatic i know. We landed safely in belfast at around 8am. We then got a train into the city centre, dropped our bags off at the hotel and went for a full Irish breakfast at weather spoons. It’s dirt cheap but extremely tasty. 

After our breakfast we decided seen as check in wasn’t for another few hours, we would take a wander around the city centre and Daniel could show me a few of the sights. Daniel is a huge Titanic fan so goes to belfast every year on the anniversary of the date the titanic hit the ice berg and sank. 
So whilst on our walk around we came across boots which is just a drug store. Knowing that boots sells NYX cosmetics, I managed to drag him inside. 
After about two minutes of looking around Daniel was trying his best to get me to leave so he could show me the titanic museum etc (so he said). Me being a lipstick queen was like oh no give me ten minutes and obviously the time in there wasn’t wasted as I did come out with two new NYX liquid lipsticks which I have to say, are absoulty stunning!. 

We then went for a walk to the museum and daniel was pointing out all of the sites and places the titanic once stood. We then found ourselves on the slip way which was the spot in which the ship was built. We walked to the end of the slipway and looked upon the museum, drawing offices and cranes (all of this being titanic stuff) He was telling me how everything he loved was in one place. Which I thought was adorable. I have never been interested in any of the Titanic things but, seeing his face and how much he loved being there filled me with so much happiness as I was able to share with him something he loved. Obviously being in a relationship that is the kind of stuff you do for each other. 

Five minutes passed and Daniel said ‘Can we take a photo with the museum behind us’ So obviously I said yes. I set the timer for ten seconds and we took a photo together. Although the picture was a huge fail due to it being windy, the wind blew my hair into my face! 
Daniel then said ‘Lets record so we can then screen shot the photo later’ We had done this several times so me being gullible, didn’t think anything of it. We then set up the camera and luckily managed to grab everything he loved in the footage. It was slightly raining but that did faze us. 
As we stood there posing for a picture, Daniel turned to me and said ‘Can I say something crazy’. To which I just looked at him wondering what he was talking about. 
He then pulled a box out of his pocket and got down onto one knee. I couldn’t believe that the person I had fallen head over heels for was asking to marry me. I was in complete shock the only response I could give was ‘Really, Are you seriousy’. This probably wasn’t the response he was hoping for but after letting it sink in for about 5 seconds (it felt much longer) I obviously said yes!

I am so amazed how he kept the whole engagement quiet despite slipping up three or four times before arriving! I am so proud to call daniel my fiancé and ever prouder to call him my best friend. Being able to share this moment with you is amazing and I can't wait to share our wedding planning journey with you all! 

Make sure you check out out engagement video linked below:

I hope you have all enjoyed reading our engagement story and I will be back shortly with another blog post!



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