Living with dyslexia...

There are many people out there who suffer with different types of learning difficulties and the degree of the difficulty can vary! 
I have dyslexia so i sometimes struggle to spell and words can sometimes look jumbled up. Like alphabet soup. 

I wasn't diagnosed with the condition untill my last year in highschool. My mum asked my primary school to run assessments on me however they told her i would be fine. Which i wasnt. I have always struggled in maths and English and I used to get laughed at continuously for not being able to spell. My boyfriend and family helped me to pass my GCSE's. You shouldn't be affraid of asking for support and help.

People would call me stupid and thick and tell me I was like a child due to my disability. It used to bother me all the time but now I don't let it affect me. If you show the bullies it hurts and upsets you, they will continue to call you, if you ignore them eventually they will get bored and leave you alone. My way of thinking is, having a disability doesn't make you stupid or weird, It makes you, you. People should love themselves how they are and not let anyone's words hurt you. 

I was bullied by a boy who laughed at me because I would sometimes forget how to spell simple words such as 'said' however, I learned through exchanging  books in a lesson that he also had the same disability as me. He felt that bullying others made him feel better about his disability. Which I don't understand why to be honest. 

If your friends begin to judge you because of any condition or diagnoses, I believe it is time to think are they really friends? As friends love you for who you are. 

So don't let them try!^


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