PANCAKE DAY!! Yuuuummmy

Today it's pancake day!! One of my best days because, my favourite sweet food of all time is ...... pancakes :D
I started by gathering up these three ingredients:
400g plain flour
4 eggs
600ml semi-skimmed milk

Sounds like a lot but we are a family of four:) 
First of all i added the flour into a bowl, i then made a hole in the middle of the flour and added the eggs. I whisked them together with a little bit of the milk. Once smooth keep adding the milk a little bit at a time. I started off the a normal hand whisk and then decided to use and electric as I was unable to get all of the lumps out!

I then poured some of the mixture into the pan like so:

Then I forgot to take pictures of the end results....they tasted amazing thought!!
I can't flip so I had to use a spatula to flip my pancakes.

I had golden syrups, sugar and some icecream with my pancakes.
What kind of things do you enjoy to eat on your pancakes??


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