What makes us happy?

We all have so much to be happy and thankful for! We are all so lucky.
Yet we never think about things that make us happy.A lot of the times, it is the small things which you remeber and them small things are sometimes the best memories which you will think back on and smile because of how happy they made you! 

The things I believe i have to be happy for are:A loving family

Getting a wag of my gorgeous dog when she sees me:)
Finding new and exciting programs to watch on Netflix (My best series has always got to be Dexter and Prison Break)
Using my lush bubble bars and bathbomb. The best are the ones that make your skin super soft.
Spending time with family having long walks along a stream and looking in the water at all the little frogs.

Seeing animals
When my nanna remembers my name (that's one of the best)
Finding money in an old coat pocket you never knew you had.
Having family who live abroad who I can visit and stay with. It is also an excuse for a trip abroad.

Being able to attend concerts and see some of my favourite artists.
Being able to go on amazing adventures to different countries (Bare back elephant riding in south Africa, feeding kangaroos in Australia and also visiting war memorials and trenches in Belgium) 

Spending time relaxing in the sunshine.
Listening to music that instantly brightens up my day. Any disney song or Justin song will always put me in happy mood.
Being able to go to prom with my boyfriend and still be with him to this day:')

No matter how you may feel just think about all the things that make you happy as being happy and having a laugh is always the best thing to do.

Thanks for reading :)


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