50 Facts about me | Tag

Hi guys!

seen as i have been writing blogs for a while i thought i would share some facts about me with you guys! 
Over on my youtube channel (linked below) i have mentioned the same facts however, you are able to see more of my weird and crazy personality. I also go more into depth about some of these odd facts.
I am so happy to have so many views on my blogs and it means the world to me. Writing on here allows me to be who i am and it lets me share all sorts of things with you guys. Thank you for being here i really appreciate it!!
So with that little ramble now over,  let me begin with fact one....

1) I am 5ft 2inches
2) I was born in the year of the rat
3) My star sign is Cancer
4) I love disney movies and eveything about disney
5) I have never been to a disney resort which upsets me so much :(!
6) I have cuddled and stocked a white lion cub (which wasn't so little)
7) I'm a Make-up artist
8) I'm so paranoid!!
9) My boyfriend and I have a Siamese kitten!!! (I love her so much)
10) I am a super loud drinker and i also stick my tongue out:/
11) I told my parents that when i am older i want to be a fairy. I then went on to tell her i was to drive a car with no roof and go to the pub everyday. I don't know why i said that because it is in no way true. I must of heard someone say it.
12) I have a dark sense of humour
13) I am very sarcastic
14) I have dyslexia
15) The only hot drink i can stand is hot chocolate. i prefer it to be cadburys or a costa coffee Caramel hot chocolate. They are divine.
16) On the topic of chocolate i am apparently a chocolate snob because i only like cadburys chocolate. When i have it i love to melt it in a cup and add rice Krispies to it as i have never grown up.
17) I've never broken a bone (touch wood)
18) My favourite food is pancakes!
19) Sour food makes my eyes feel super bubbly.
20) I can not swallow my food if someone is staring at me. It just doesn't go down....
21) I am scared of Heights, Clowns, Spiders and bleach (yes bleach!!)
22) I am also freaked out by mascots
23) I once text my boyfriends mum, in my sleep!!, saying "Mooo xx" :/ awkward or what.
24) I lose my phone about two times a day in the house.
25) I hate battered fish or fish in bread crumbs.
26) I have ketchup with everything literally.
27) I am such a messy eater. I spill everything down me.
28) I've never been camping
29) Halloween is one of my all time favourite holiday, along with christmas. You can dress up, play fun games and just be who ever you want by the magic of make-up.
30) I have bad anxiety
31) When i was younger i jumped in a puddle and it came past my hips and more or less to my chest!
32) I don't know any languages apart from the tiniest bit of german from school
33) I've been with my boyfriend for 5 years and 5 months!!
34) I love all animals. I am a huge animal lover.
35) My favourite farm animal is a Cow because, they have super cute noses.
36) I often play my favourite song on repeat until it bores me.
37) I've grown up with a lot of pets. We have had dogs, cats, hamsters, a snake, fish, rats and rabbits.
38) I didn't get into make-up until i was about 14.
39) I can't say words with 'LY' at the end. I don't know why they just come out and a blllaaarrr.
40) I can tuck my thumb behind my knuckle ( people are super grossed out by it)
41) I've been to the great barrier reef and got to swim there.
42) I am from Manchester which is in the UK
43) Growing up i was such a tomboy. I loved climb trees and play all the 'boy' games.
44) I hate having a bath without using a lush product.
45) I wear glasses
46) I never got to have the lead roll in the school play because i was to shy apparently :(
47) I am so bad at maths!!
48) I am always wearing leggings because i find them so comfortable.
49) I have had 7 teeth removed in total. 4 whilst asleep and 3 whilst awake. I made them numb my mouth with cream before they could put the needle in both my hand and mouth,
50) Disney's Tangled is the film i watch when i am upset (or frozen) They just make me happy and are my favourite films.

Thankyou for reading and i hope you know a little bit more about me!!
Talk soon!!!

Youtube video for 50 Facts about me!


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