Spring has NOT sprung | Snow in March!

Hi Guys!! 

It's March so on the 1st I text my saying 'white rabbits foot'. Every first day of each month me and my dad try to be the first to text or say to each other white rabbits foot. We have done this from me being a dot and i don't know why we do it really. I think it may have something to do with having good luck for that month if you say it first. I always like to try and win though because i am slightly competitive....

It's meant to be officially spring in a couple of week.  It defiantly didn't feel that way on Friday. I woke up to snow! It was so thick. 150 schools and colleges were shut in the surrounding areas. Guess what! Ours wasn't. Six of us turned up to college. Our college is near hills so we had more snow then most of the school that were shut. Transport was delayed and they eventually stopped busses to the city centre. I was happy to spend time with some friends though instead of being cooped up in the house. We finished college three hours early because the snow was getting heavier. My boyfriend met me on the tram and we traveled back home. When we got home we ventured outside to have a walk across the canal. It looked beautiful. Especially with the snow covered hills. 

I'm excited that from the 21st March it will be officially Spring (hopefully no more snow). Spring means the nights are becoming longer and the mornings brighter. My favourite thing about Spring is seeing the daffodils popping up and of course the baby animals!! Easter is this month and you know what that means!!!! Mini eggs :D 

I love mini eggs so much. I secretly wish they make them all year round but call the different things and shape them differently. You would also be lying if you aren't looking forward to getting an easter egg. Even if you are part of a religion that doesn't celebrate easter it's a chocolate egg!! it must be consumed and enjoyed. Especially whilst cuddled up watching a movie with loved ones.

I hope you enjoyed treading my blog and this little ramble!! 
Talk to you soon byeeee.... x


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