Lush Favourites | Lushaholic

Hi guys!

It's Wednesday so that means it's time for another blog!! 

I wanted to share with you a handful of my favourite Lush bath bombs and bubble bars. I love almost everything lush creates especially around Halloween and Christmas. The scents they produce around christmas time are to die for. I love the candy floss scents the best. When it comes to Lush I tend to try and collect the latest collection. I like to keep topped up as well so i know i will always have a couple to choose from.

Some of my favourite bubble bars include:

Magic wand: this smells so nice! It is from last years Christmas collection and more or less smells like snow fairy. If you don't know what snow fairy smells like, It smells like you have showered in a candy floss machine. I love it!

Unicorn horn/ candy mountain: I love these so much! I love the smell of them and the shape. They remind me of fairy tales due to the colours. So magical. The photograph isn't of the full unicorn horn as it was too tempting and i had to use it. :/

Gold Pumpkin: I am not entirely sure of its name but all i know is if you don't like glitter, then you
defiantly won't like this as its basically a glitter explosion in the bath. As you can see it is gold and super sparkly. It smells good to. These are only out around halloween time so i stocked up.

Flowering Tea: Now this is so English. It's a tea bag shaped bath bomb filled with tiny petals. It has a piece of string so it can be easily swished around the bath and held under a running tap. 

Now onto my Favourite bath bombs. I am only going to tell you my top three as i could go on forever!!

Frozen: My first favourite is this beauty. I think it's kind of obvious why I love this. DISNEY!
When i purchased this, the stick they stuck on to tell me about the bath bomb had let it go written on it, Now if the name wasn't a seller then that defiantly was. I love the colour of the bath when this is dropped in. It such a beautiful blue.

Granny takes a dip: This was the first bath bomb I ever purchased from lush and to this day I still love it. It smells so nice and when dissolving the colours are so pretty.

Intergalactic: This bath bomb literally looks like you are in outer space in that bathtub. It's amazing!! i love to lie there and watch the glitter flakes, i often pretend they are stars in this huge space bath.

I didn't have photos of these last two unfortunately but i still wanted to add them to my lush favourites as, they are two of my favourites.
I hope you enjoyed reading this blog and i will talk to you on Sunday!!


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