Hi guys!

Today I didn't want to upload a beauty blog. I want to talk to you about how I've been feeling for a long time. From being young I have had anxiety. Anxiety isn't a nice thing to have as it can stop you doing a lot of things. People who don't have anxiety can often assume that you are making it up or are just being awkward. That isn't the case. It's an illness which can get a hold of you. Just because it isn't physical doesn't mean you don't have it.

I first remember getting anxious when I was very young. I would look out of my parents window and see my friends playing together in the street. I would then get upset because they hadn't asked me to go out with them. My mum would tell me to go out and join in with them but, because I was anxious I couldn't. I would get very upset and worked up. At the time I just thought I was being stupid but it's only know when I think back, I realise that I had anxiety.

My anxiety hits me the most when it comes to answering the phone or doing something or meeting someone new. There has been many times where I have been ready to go and meet friends but, I've had to cancel at the last minute because I become to anxious. Another situation which makes my anxiety ten times worse is when it comes to phoning someone. I will watch the phone ring and just leave it. I think to my self *if it's important they will leave a voice mail* which they generally do. When I think about talking to someone over the phone i begin to feel very sick and panicky (When talking to people I have come to realise that this is one of the most common things people get anxious about). 
Paranoia on the other hand is the worst. I get paranoid very easily. I have a few examples of when I have been paranoid. One being, I will be trying and sleep and suddenly I will hear bangs coming from down stairs. At the back of my mind I know it is the cats playing but then, the paranoia voice takes over and begins to tell you that their is someone down stairs. Another example is when I walk down the street and a car slows down, I think they are going to drag me into the back of the car. 

It's really hard to deal with both anxiety and paranoia however, I have a few tips and tricks which help me so I thought I'd share them with you.

Tips and tricks for dealing with anxiety and paranoia:
1: Surround your self with positive people.
2: Stroke an animal. It doesn't matter what animal it is, it could be a; rabbit, guinea pig, dog, cat etc. It's nice to cuddle and stroke a pet when feeling anxious. This just helps to calm yourself down.
3: Put in a pair of ear phones and play music that you enjoy. This especially works when you are feeling paranoid. It helps to slightly drown out the thoughts.
4: Talk to someone!! This is the most important tip. You may feel like you are the only person in the world who feels anxious or paranoid but I swear to you, you aren't. So many people suffer and if you can talk to someone it may just help you.
5: Don't isolate yourself.

I hope this blog post can help you out and if you have any other tips I would love to know!! 



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