
Showing posts from April, 2016

A Little Motivation! ♡

When scrolling through my old Instagram photos I found this, which happenes to be one of the first pictures I posted on my page. I remeber posting it as it's the kind of quote that speaks to me.  "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born...and the day you find out why". From being young I have always believed we all have a meaning in life. We all have a certain thing we are good at. If you don't know what that is yet, you will find out. It doesn't matter how big or how small your meaning is as everyone's is different. Someone may have the meaning of helping others whilst another person may have the meaning of loyalty. So if you feel down and feel like you have a meaning or, feel as though you don't mean anything to anyone just remeber we all have one and that's why people love us!!! I hope you enjoyed this little motivational post. I enjoyed writing it as it comes from the heart. I will talk to you all on Sunday. Fol...

The Best Restaurant | GBK

        Hi guys! This week has been a super busy week but instead of not writing a blog at all, I have put together this beauty of a dinner date at Gormet Burger Kitchen. Also known as the best restaurant (in my opinion). I ordered my usual which is a cheese burger with lettuce however this time I went wild and had an onion ring on my burger! Crazy I know. I also ordered skinny fries which basically look like noodles but, they are super tasty. I could eat buckets of them.  Tony ordered his usual which was a plain buffalo burger, he also had an onion ring on his to. He went for the healthier option of sweet potato fries. Recently I haven't been a fan of fizzy drinks. I much prefer to have a drink of orange or apple juice with my meals. So that is what I ordered with my meal. Tony had his usual Sprite. We are creates of habit! I will be back on Wednesday with a much better blog! But for now I hope you enjoyed this. Talk to you soon, Kayleighx

Top 3 Foundations ♡

Hi guys! Sorry i was unable to upload a blog on Sunday i was crazy busy getting together the last bits and bobs for my competition which was on Monday. Any way instead of me about to go on a huge rant i will write about what i planed on writing about. I have tried a lot of different foundations over the past few years but there are three which i really love! So me being me, I want to share them with you. I am not a lover of my skin as i tend to get really dark under my eyes, which i hate so much. I drink plenty of water (thats if the cats don't get to my glass first) and i also get plenty of sleep so I'm not sure why they won't go away!! Due to that issue i tend to go for the high coverage foundations. Don't get me wrong, i love light coverage however, i only tend to wear them if i am having a good skin day. Many of you will know what i mean by having good and bad skin days as we all have them. So any way, onto my favourites.  My all tim...

Interview Hair and Makeup

Hi guys! This week i have an interview for a job i have applied for. I hate interviews as i get super nervous and anxious. I find it really hard trying to make sure that my anxiety is under control. My boyfriend came to the interview with me so i felt more comfortable on the journey there and also for support (obviously he didn't come in the room).  I wanted to share with you how i had my hair and makeup for the interview. It's important not to have dramatic makeup. The more natural you are the better. They won't like it if you turn up bright orange with eyelashes half hanging off. For my hair i literally brushed it through and shoved it into a high pony tail. It looked smart and appropriate. The photos were taken after wards so it looks a bit scruffy now. I also have to much baby hair!! When attending an interview i always try to make my self appear confident. I introduced my self and then told the interviewer(s) i was pleased to meet them. That way they wil...

Date Night And Cupcakes

Hi guys!  For Christmas I made a jar for my boyfriend filled with all different types of dates. Last week he picked out the cinema date. So Yesterday we decided to cash in that date and go to the movies. We went to see Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice. I wasn't looking forward to it really as I'm not a huge fan of Batman or Superman. Anyway it kind of surprised me. The frost half kind of bored me and then the second half had me totally gripped. Especially when Wonder Woman came into it. We decided to see it in IMAX however, it wasn't in 3D it was in 2D. I much prefer IMAX over ordinary screens as it is huge!! Before the movies we decided to go back into Sugar Junction however, i didn't take any photos as i only wrote a blog about it a couple of weeks ago. The following day (today) we decided to make some tasty vanilla cupcakes topped with cream cheese icing.  We know cream cheese is meant to go with red velvet but it is one o...

Lush Favourites | Lushaholic

Hi guys! It's Wednesday so that means it's time for another blog!!  I wanted to share with you a handful of my favourite Lush bath bombs and bubble bars. I love almost everything lush creates especially around Halloween and Christmas. The scents they produce around christmas time are to die for. I love the candy floss scents the best. When it comes to Lush I tend to try and collect the latest collection. I like to keep topped up as well so i know i will always have a couple to choose from. Some of my favourite bubble bars include: Magic wand: this smells so nice! It is from last years Christmas collection and more or less smells like snow fairy. If you don't know what snow fairy smells like, It smells like you have showered in a candy floss machine. I love it! Unicorn horn/ candy mountain: I love these so much! I love the smell of them and the shape. They remind me of fairy tales due to the colours. So magical. The photograph isn't of...

Furry Friend Tag | Siamese Kittens

                                                                                                  Akira                               Luna                               Luna 9 Weeks old Akira Only 9 Weeks old                         Hi guys!!! In June last year we lost our gorgeous dog. It was so upsetting and I cried for days. She was an English Springer Spaniel. From being born I have never lived without a pet, so it was so strange not having an animal around the house....